Our Parish

March Calendar

Parish Registration Sheet

New parishoners of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Patrick Church please print and fill out our Parish Registration Form and turn into our parish office at your earliest convenience.  Thank you!


Prayers Available for Printing

Sacred Heart of Jesus

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, to You I consecrate and offer up my person and my life:  my thoughts, my words, my actions, my trials and sufferings, that my entire being may henceforth be employed only in loving, honoring, and glorifying You.


This is my irrevocable will:  to belong entirely to You and to do all for Your love, renouncing all that can displease You.


I take You, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for the sole object of my love, the protection of my life, the pledge of my salvation, the remedy of my frailty and inconstancy, the reparation of all my sins, and my secure refuge at the hour of my death.

Placing my entire confidence in You, O Heart of Love, I hope for all from Your infinite goodness.


Imprint Your pure love so deeply in my heart that I many never forget You or be separated from You.


I beseech You, through Your infinite goodness, to grant that my name be engraved forever on Your Heart; for in this I place my happiness and all my glory:  to live and die as one of Your devoted servants.



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Prayers Available for Printing

Prayer of Praise

Prayer of Praise 


God through Your great mercy You have granted us new birth through the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We praise Your wonderful name!

God of Love and God of Peace through Your great sacrifice, You have promised us eternal Life in Christ our Savior!

We Praise Your wonderful name!

God of Glory and God of Might, through Your great power You have granted us new

strength to endure all things through Faith in Christ our Risen king.

Help us to praise Your wonderful name in this Holy Mass!  Amen.


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One with the Risen Christ

One with the Risen Christ


Lord, we lift our hearts to You. Lord, we lift our eyes toward You in the Holy Eucharist.

As the sun rises, may we carry the unity of Faith that we share into every moment of

this day knowing that we are one with the Risen Christ in this Sacred Meal.

Lord, we lift our prayers to You.  As the dew falls, may we breathe this morning in

and know that, like the earth, You sustain us, keep us, and work within us.

Lord, we lift our voices to You in celebration of this Mass as we celebrate the

greatest day, when Jesus rose from death, defeated sin, and bathed the world

in brilliant Resurrection light.

May we ever live to celebrate the Holy Mass.  Amen.


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Act of Consecration of the Family to

Our Mother of Perpetual Help

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, tender Mother of men, to fulfill the
desires of your Son’s Sacred Heart, and at the request of the Vicar of
your Son on earth, we consecrate ourselves to you, and to your
Immaculate Heart, and recommend to you, all the families of our
nation, and of the world; but most of all, our family.

Please accept our consecration, dearest Mother, and use us and all
families as you wish, to accomplish the designs of your Son, when He
gave you to us as our Mother from the Cross of Calvary.

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth, become
the Queen of our family, rule over us, together with the Sacred
Heart of Jesus Christ, our King. Save us from the spreading flood
of modern paganism, kindle in our hearts and homes the love of
purity, the practice of the Catholic life, and an ardent zeal for soul,
the holiness of family life, and the business of the sanctity of human

We come with confidence to you, O Mother of Perpetual Help;
inflame us with the same Divine fire, which has inflamed your own
Immaculate Heart, and help us to be courageous witnesses of
Christ’s love for men.

Make our hearts and homes your shrine, and through us make the
Heart of Jesus rule and triumph in every family in the world.

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The Joy of the Lord

by Eizabeth Clephane

There were ninety and nine that safely lay, In the shelter of the fold, 
But one was out on the hills away, Far, far from the gates of gold – Away on the moutains wild and bare, Away from the tender Shepherd’s care.

“Lord, Thou has here Thy ninety and nine; Are they not enough for Thee?”
But the Shepherd made answer:  “One of mine Has wandered away from Me,
And although the road be rough and steep, I go to the desert to find my sheep.”

But none of the ransomed ever knew How deep were the waters crossed, 

Nor how dark was the night that the Lord passed through 

Ere He found His sheep that was lost. 
Far out in  the desert He heard its cry – Fainting and helpless, and ready to die.

“Lord, whence are these blood drops all the way, That mark out the mountain’s track?” 

“There were shed for one who has gone astray, Ere the Shepherd could bring him back,” 

“Lord, why are Thy hands so rent and torn?”
“They were pierced tonight by many a thorn.”

But all through the mountains, thunder-riven,  And up from the rocky steep,
There rose a cry to the gate of heaven, “Rejoice, I have found My sheep!”
And the angels sang around the throne, “Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own!”

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Lenten Prayer

Lord Jesus, we ask to go out into the desert with You. 
We ask to come along on this Campaign of Christian service called Lent.
Arm us with weapons of self-restraint:  prayer, fasting, and alms giving
as we take up battle against the spiritual evils that plague us. 

Through our works of penance and charity, 

may we turn away from harmful pleasures,
and when we make a good Confession during Lent – 
cleanse us from our sins and make us worthy to celebrate devoutly Your Passion.

Grant us the desire to be of service to all, while we entrust ourselves more fully to the Holy Spirit.
Allow the Angel of Humility to find us in the desert of Lent,
and then filled with the wonder at the power of Your love for us,
may we rejoice at the salvation that comes from You alone
and accept Your gift of new life!

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Eucharistic Revival Prayer

O, Jesus, truly present in the Most Holy Eucharist, I adore You, I praise You, I 
treasure You.  I acknowledge that You are truly present, Body, Blood, Soul, and
Divinity under sacramental signs.  When Fr. Randy elevates the Host, it is You
whom I adore.  When I bow before the monstrance in adoration it is You whom I 

adore.  When I make visits to the Tabernacle it is You whom I adore.  During
these years of Eucharistic Revival in our country, may Bishop Malloy, Fr. Randy, 

all priests of our Diocese, my fellow parishioners, and the lay faithful of
my Diocese, receive a renewed and strengthened devotion to You in the Most
Blessed Sacrament.

May I praise You more frequently, more seriously, and more Faithfully
each day as I encounter You personally in the Holy Eucharist.  I pray that in this local Church

(of Our Lady of Perpetual Help / of St. Mary of the Assumptions / of St. Patrick)

 the Eucharist will truly be the source and summit of our Catholic life.
As I encounter You in the Sacrament of Your Body and Blood,
may I be led to a greater charity and concern for my brothers and sisters in the human family,
recognizing Your face in each one of them.  May we all possess a
unity in Faith, adoration, and mission.  

O Dear Jesus, may You be praised, worshipped, and adored in all the Tabernacles
of the world now and until the end of time.  Amen.


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Novena of the Assumption

O Blessed Mother of the Assumption, you were graced with the gifts
of endless mercy, compassion, and perpetual aid for all of God’s
children, especially those who are lost in sin. 

Please pray for my loved ones, who have strayed from their Catholic Faith. Through
your intercession allow them to feel, at the core of their being, a
Divine welcome that washes away fear and brings them a desire to

Give them an internal peace that transcends their earthly
fears; and may the infinite love of your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ,
bring them back home to the Church. Amen.


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Prayer Before the Crucifix

O most High in glorious God, enlighten the darkness

of my heart.  Give me, Lord, a firm faith, sure hope, 

perfect love, profound humility – the sign and knowledge

so that I may carry out all of Your commandments. Amen.

Saint Francis of Assisi (1181-1226)

Prayer To St. Joseph

Look down to us, St. Joseph, Protector of our Lord,

Who followed you through deserts, And gave you blessed reward;

Our foes are yet about us, Be strength now at our side, 

Be light against the darkness, Saint Joseph, be our guide!


We venerate your justice, The gospels praise your name, 

You are the saint all humble, who gained eternal fame;

In your devoted family, Our souls in trust confide,

Direct our way to heaven, Saint Joseph, be our guide! 


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Spiritual Communion Prayer for those Attending Mass

Spiritual Communion Prayer

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Blessed Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I desire You in my soul.

Since other people dear to me cannot now receive You sacramentally, I ask You to come at least spiritually into their hearts.

As though You were already in our hearts, help us to embrace You and unite ourselves wholly to You; permit not that we should ever be separated from You. Amen


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Prayer After Receiving Communion

My Jesus, I love and adore You.  You have come to me; I am; one with you.  I want You to remain with me forever, in this life and in the next.  Thank You for allowing me to share Your divine life.  May I become more like You through this sacred Food.   Let me never take You for granted, but always pray for those whose lives are dark with sin and ignorance and selfishness.  Let me remember, in the words of St. Paul, that “there, but for the grace of God, go I.”  Each day, I can become more like You, O Lord.  And each day I can pray for those who have never heard of Your presence in the Eucharist, or who have heard It and rejected It.  Amen.

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Our Lady Most Admirable

Mother most admirable, treasure of calm and serenity, We love her for the light of her lowered eyes, For the peace radiating from her countenance, For her whole being which reveals her inner fullness of grace. She is the virgin of the invisible and of the essential. We ask her to detach us from the visible, To lead us on, and to fix our gaze on the invisible, On which her eyes are fixed: The invisible presence, The invisible life,  The invisible action, And the invisible love. In the midst of non-essentials, Which invite and often beguile us, May she give us A right understanding of the essential And a hunger for it.  Amen. 

Our Lady Most Admirable … Pray for us!

Morning Offering

O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 

I offer You all my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day,

for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart, in union  with the holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated today by Fr. Randy at the Church of

(Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Sublette)

(St. Mary of the Assumption in West Brooklyn)

(St. Patrick in Maytown)

in reparation for my sins, in gratitude for

(the gift that You, Almighty God, have already given me),

and for the general intention recommended this month by the Holy Father.


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Pro-Life Novena Prayer

Celebrate The Gospel Of Life

O Mary, bright dawn of the new world, Mother of the living, to You do we
entrust the cause of life. Look down, O Mother, upon the vast numbers of
babies not allowed to be born, of the poor whose lives are made difficult, of men and women who are victims of brutal violence, of the elderly and the sick killed by indifference or out of misguided mercy.  Grant that all who believe in Your Son may proclaim the Gospel of Life with honesty and love to the people of our time.  Obtain for them the grace to accept that Gospel as a gift ever new, the joy of celebrating it with gratitude throughout their lives and the courage to bear witness to it resolutely, in order to build, together with all people of good will, the civilization of truth and love, to the praise and glory of
God, the Creator and Lover of life. Amen.

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Pro-Life Prayer

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

I love you very much

I beg you to spare the life of N.

(mention the name you give to this baby)

the unborn baby

that I have spiritually adopted,

who is in danger of abortion.


Below is the prayer composed by St. Alphonsus Liguori, the founder of the
Redemptorist Order, that one prays in order to receive all the graces of
Holy Communion. This prayer is for those who are not able to attend the Holy Mass

Spiritual Communion Prayer

My Jesus, I believe that Thou art present in the Blessed Sacrament.  I love Thee above all things, and I desire Thee in my soul.  Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.  As though Thou wert already there, I embrace Thee and unite myself wholly to Thee; permit not that I should ever be separated from Thee.


Our Lady of the Assumption

Holy Mother Mary, we rejoice with you as we celebrate your Glorious Assumption Into Heaven.  Mother Mary, it is a great comfort to us to realize that your precious body, the Tabernacle of the Infant Christ, is now in heaven with Him.  Your being taken into Heaven is also like the resurrection of Christ’s Body, A pledge to us of the Resurrection of our own bodies.  Help us to realize this as we go about our work from day to day.  O most pure Virgin Mary, help us to have great respect for these bodies of ours, and for those of others, because we recognize in them the temple of the Holy Spirit, and because we look forward to seeing each other, body and soul, with you and your Son, Jesus Christ, forever in Heaven.


Prayer To St. Patrick

Glorious St. Patrick, We Honor Your Name! The faith of our fathers is our treasure, too.  How holy the thought, that we learned it from you.  Thru crosses and trials Its FIRE BURNED BRIGHT, you show us the way, and the truth, and the light.  Intercede for us, St. Patrick that we always may be:   Devoted and loyal true children of thee.  Our love and devotion be ever like thine, Our thoughts be of JESUS, our heart be His shrine.  And when to the end of Life’s Path we have trod, be near us Great Bishop, Anointed of God.

Below is a Prayer composed by Archbishop William E. Lori
Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus

Prayer For Persecuted Christians

O God of all the nations, the One god who is and was and always will be,in your providence you willed that your Church be united to the suffering of your Son.  Look with mercy on your servants who are persecuted for their faith in you.  Grant them perseverance and courage to be worthy imitators of Christ.  Bring your wisdom upon leaders of nations to work for peace among all peoples.  May your Spirit open conversion for those who contradict your will,  that we may live in harmony.  Give us the grace to be united in truth and freedom, and to always seek your will in our lives.  Through Christ Our Lord.  Amen

Our Lady of Persecuted Christians, pray for us.

Prayers Available for Printing

Spiritual Bouquet Card

Spiritual Bouquet Card 






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