Our Lady of Perpetual Help - St. Mary of the Assumption - St. Patrick Church



Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought out bread and wine. He was a priest of God most High. He blessed Abram …. Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.  Genesis 14:18-20

Tithing is as old as the book of Genesis. Our Father in Faith, Abraham, realized that he had won the battle over his enemies, because God had given him the victory; and so, immediately Abraham gave the priest, Melchizedek, a tenth of his spoils. This then is why we are to give back to God a tenth of what the Almighty has given to us.

Typically, the Catholic Church tells us to tithe 1% to our Diocese (DSA), 5% to our local Church (Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Mary of the Assumption, St. Patrick Church), and the remaining 4% to any charitable organization that the Holy Spirit directs you. This gives us the familiar 5/4/1 ratio of tithing. However, with our smaller parish citizenship, a 6/3/1 ratio ought to be employed (6% going to your local Church and 3% to charities of your choice).

Remember, Abraham was grateful to the Almighty for everything God had given him, and so Abraham gave his Lord a 10th of his possessions; and God rewarded Abraham with even more blessings. This is how God operates, if you tithe.

We are pleased to provide our parishoners with the ability to give online.  We have researched several recommendations from the Rockford Diocese and have found that Tithe.ly is highly recommended and the most suitable for our parish website.  Tithe.ly is trusted by over 22,898 Churches and Ministries worldwide and offers secure online giving via MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express or ACH/Bank transfer (a.k.a e-check).

Please be assured that olphmarystpatrick.com is a secure site (‘https’ / Securelock shown in your browser upper left corner).  Our parish site does not retain any information that you provide by clicking on the ‘online giving’ button.

To make a secure, one-time or recurring gift, click the ‘online giving’ button below your registered church.  For enhanced security and giving simplicity, you have the option to create an account with Tithe.ly by clicking on the login/signup link in the top right corner when you are re-directed to Tithe.ly’s website.  Creating an account with Tithe.ly is not necessary in order to share your gift.  Simply fill out the information requested on their secure form and your online gift will be processed as a one time transaction.

After you make your secure online gift, you will receive a confirmation receipt from Tithe.ly with the amount and date of the transaction.

Tithe.ly security:  All financial information is encrypted and sent over HTTPS using TLS (Transport Layer Security)  Any credit / debit card information that is stored is secured using PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards) Level 1 compliant Standards.  This is the highest possible rating one can get in the electronic payment processing industry.

We are offering this to our parishoners as a more convenient way of giving, however you are still able to give weekly when church masses resume, or you may still give by sending to our mailing address:  P.O. Box 80, Sublette, IL 61367

For additional information visit the “Tithing/Online Giving” section of our privacy policy.

Please select the church you are a parishoner at

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Our Lady of Perpetual Help  For online giving (MC,Visa,Discover,Amex,ACH/Bank) click the button below.  If you would prefer to mail your gift, our Parish mailing address is:  P.O. Box 80, Sublette, IL   61367

Online Giving

St. Mary of the Assumption

St. Mary of the Assumption   For online giving (MC,Visa,Discover,Amex,ACH/Bank) click the button below.  If you would prefer to mail your gift, our Parish mailing address is:  P.O. Box 80, Sublette, IL   61367

Online Giving

St. Patrick Church Maytown

St. Patrick Church Maytown  For online giving (MC,Visa,Discover,Amex,ACH/Bank) click the button below.  If you would prefer to mail your gift, our Parish mailing address is:  P.O. Box 80, Sublette, IL   61367

Online Giving
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