WHO Slide 1


Who actually benefits
from your knowledge
of Jesus Christ?

What Slide 2

What can
happen to
a person's
heart, if they
accumulate a
critical volume
of knowledge
on Jesus Christ?

Where slide 3 olphmarystpatrick

How is it that
the Catholic Church
where one worships
God - can be so
influential on one's

slide 4 olphmarystpatrick

When the pandemic
seems to have us in
a stranglehold,
should we risk
going to Mass or
catechism class
or RCIA class?

slide 5 olphmarystpatrick

Why does the
Catholic Church
insist on
catechesis for
children (CCD)
Adults (RCIA)?

previous arrow
next arrow


Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Mary’s and St. Patrick’s Parishes Religious Education Program Registration form and CCD Schedule for the 2024/25 School Year

If you are unable to register at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Office before the first day of class, each form below can be downloaded and printed out.  Please bring with your student the first day of class.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours on the Path ~ Fr. Randy Fronek









Print CCD Registration Page 1









Print CCD Registration Page 2










Print CCD Schedule for 2024-25 right here


Paradigm for CCD and RCIA Classes

Who actually benefits from your knowledge of the Catholic Faith?  What can happen to a person’s heart, if they accumulate a critical volume of knowledge on Jesus Christ?  How is it that the Catholic Church where one worships God – can be so influential on one’s Faith?  When is the best time to learn about your faith?  Why does the Catholic Church insist on providing catechesis for all of Her citizens both the young and the elderly?

I call them the who, what, how, when and why of our knowledge on God – these are five important questions that the Catholic Church asks of us when we are faced with passing our knowledge of the Faith on to the peoples of today.  As we enter the Fall of the year, we begin our programs of CCD for the Catholic education of the young, and our RCIA for those who are not so young. 

The paradigm of catechesis is painted up and down the Gospels.  Whether it is the humility of children almost blindly coming to Jesus that He might bless them or the rich young man or the pompous disciple St. Nathaniel – Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, came to introduce Himself to a disbelieving world.

You see the young are too innocent or I would say selfish and adults are too cynical, but mankind has been lured into lethargy about the learning of their Catholic Faith – as Jesus said so aptly in the Gospel, My enemy has done this.  (Mt 13:28) It seems that no one likes to leave behind the laziness of Summer to again begin studies.  No one likes to go back to work after a good lunch break.  And who in their right mind, would face their betrayer, never enter a word of resistance, pick up their Cross, and drag It up a hill – all the while being spit at and despised – all so that mankind might know how much he is loved by His Heavenly Father – who would do all this save Jesus Christ, Himself!

But if a man has a tremendous knowledge of his Catholic Faith – his family, his co-workers, and even the whole world can benefit from his knowledge.  If a person learns, what I like to call:  a critical amount (it is different for everyone) about how much Jesus loves them – they find that their own heart is ignited in love for God; and our Lord’s wish:  to engulf the world in flames is fulfilled. (Lk 12:49)

Each of our three different Churches has a unique spirituality to them, and if we become indoctrinated into this spirituality a holy pride can swell in our chest, and we can open the eyes of others to the wonderous beauty of our local Church.  Yes, we are living in a midst of a pandemic and some people are dying, but we bravely wear a mask and do all the other things that our Governor ask of us – but we will never stop in our quest to gain more knowledge about Jesus Christ. 

We are like St. Paul when we say, “nothing can separate us from the love of God – not nakedness, or peril, or the sword … nor even a deadly virus” – our Catechesis must go on! Catechesis of our young is critical to the future of the Catholic Church.  What if just one of our young boys grew up to become a priest – how many blessings would he bring to his family, to our Church, and to our world?  Or what if just one of our girls grew up to become a nun – wouldn’t our world be shocked by her total commitment to love the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ?

What if just one more person came to the Heavenly banquet table called the altar to celebrate the Eucharist with us on Sunday, because they fell in love with Jesus Christ through our RCIA program – wouldn’t our towns of Sublette, West Brooklyn, and Maytown be greater – for God’s Son said, “I must go to so-and-so’s house today!”

We boldly go forward with our CCD and RCIA programs this year, because outside of the celebration of the Eucharist, the next most important thing we can accomplish in life is to learn more about God!

Our RCIA classes start Tuesday, September 24th at 6:30 p.m. in the Hall in Sublette, and if you go online to our webpage ( you can print out the schedule for our CCD classes this school year.  Whatever your age:  are you growing in love for Jesus Christ?  Can any of us ever be content to have learned enough about God in this life?

Yours on the Path ~  Fr. Randy 

Morning Offering



Vocation Prayer

to the Infant Jesus of Prague


The Mass and the Saints

Why are there

so many translations

of the Bible?  To

download a copy

of the worksheet

Transformed by God’s Word

(Visio Divina)

Leonardo Da'Vinci's Last Supper

Last Supper

Six Apostles to the left worksheet

To download a copy of the worksheet

The 12 Apostles Outline

To download a copy of the worksheet

Last Supper

Six Apostles to the right worksheet

To download a copy of the worksheet 

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